
I have a range of packages to support businesses to ensure they are able to support their teams effectively and have the correct policies in place.

I work with businesses to raise awareness of the menopause, as despite the subject being in the media regularly, a number of companies still do not have a policy or support their staff going through the menopause. 

In the UK currently 51% of the population are women.  Of those nearly five million women are aged 50-64 and are currently in employment.

This group is the fastest growing demographic in the workplace, however, when women go through the menopause, being supported in the workplace is not always something which happens.

Even though nearly 8 out of 10 of menopausal women are in work, and the fact that 3 out of 4 women will experience menopausal symptoms of some sort, many still feel unsupported at work.  In fact up to one in four women consider leaving their jobs because of menopausal symptoms!

This is why I’m on a mission to go into businesses to raise awareness about the menopause to help break down taboos. 

To find out how I can help you and your business I provide a number of different packages. 

Please see our packages page:

Businesses Img

What my clients say…
