My Programmes

I offer personalised programmes, which explore your exact needs and the areas in which you may be struggling. Utilising a variety of methods in order to help you to get back to feeling like yourself again.



Over the course of three sessions we work on the issues which are important to you.  Maybe you would like some help to reset and get yourself back to feeling more like the “old” you?  

These sessions can include helping you with stress, anxiety, self-esteem/confidence in your personal life, business life (or both), losing weight, or a combination of all of (or maybe none) these things. 

Each programme is totally bespoke and designed especially to help you.

The programme consists of an initial 90 minute consultation and then two 60 minute sessions. 

At the end of the programme you will receive your own personal hypnotic meditation recording which you can use to help reinforce the changes.

Here is some feedback from a recent client who has completed this course:

“I came to Shirley as I was finding it almost impossible to function in my daily life and run my business. I had lost all confidence through my menopause.

Afterwards was like a miracle, and I am amazed at the results.

Thank you for everything you amazing lady”.

One-to-One Coaching Session (1 hour)

One-to-One Online Consultation (1 hour)

This is a one hour on-line consultation, where we work on one specific issue that is concerning you.

Prior to this consultation I will send you a questionnaire so that you can advise me what your current concerns are, and what you would like to achieve.  I then devise a personalised session.

If following the session you feel you would like to work with me further, additional sessions can be arranged. 

Help To Lose Weight

Help To Lose Weight

Have you wanted to lose weight but you never seem to manage it?  Do you find yourself in the same negative patterns of behaviour where you seem to never achieve the results you want but you don’t know why?

In this programme I identify any patterns you currently have in regards to your eating, and then I help you to modify these for new healthier habits by using primarily hypnotherapy.

This programme consists of one initial 90 minute session and then two 60 minute sessions that are customised to your needs

Help You With Self-Esteem/Confidence

Help You With Self-Esteem/Confidence

Sometimes things can happen in life which impacts confidence and self-esteem.  This can range from a change in relationships, bereavement, having children, going back to work, grown up children leaving home, even the menopause.

These changes in confidence and/or self-esteem may present themselves in your personal life, work life or sometimes both.  I know this was the case with me as I went through my menopause.

In this programme we work together to identify some of the root causes of your self-esteem/confidence issues.  I then design a bespoke programme for you, and use a combination of techniques to help you. I also provide some simple practical techniques you can take away with you to use.

There are 3 sessions (an initial 90 minute session and then two 60 minute sessions).

Are You Feeling Stressed, Then Let Me Help You

Are You Feeling Stressed, Then Let Me Help You

Have you found yourself being more stressed as you go through your menopause? Do you sometimes feel you are “out of control”?  This is a very common symptom of the menopause, and is due in part to the fluctuating hormones.

I work with you to identify some of the root causes of your stress. I then use a combination of techniques to help you, and provide some simple practical techniques which I have learnt, that you can take away and use every day.

There are 3 sessions (an initial 90 minute session and then two 60 minute one-to-one private sessions)


What my clients say…
